How Do Carpenter Bees Drill Holes

Carpenter bees are physically the most similar to bumblebees. However, unlike bumblebees, carpenter bees have a back shiny abdomen. They both also have mouthpieces called mandibles. A bumble bee’s mandibles aren’t very strong. Even if it bites you, the damage is minor. Carpenter bee’s mandibles are very strong and can dig through wood. They move … Read more

Can Bumble Bees Sting You: Learn About bumblebee Stings

The short answer? Yes, bumblebees do sting. But, it’s rare. The Long Answer: Do Bumblebees Sting? Drones or male bumblebees don’t sting. Because they do not have stingers. Female bees sting. But, only if they feel threatened or they believe their hive is at risk. Also, they normally warn you if they’re going to sting … Read more

Do Bees Really Sleep in Flowers and Dreams

Yes. Bees are known to rob your flowers of their beauty. Sleeping bumblebees or honeybees are the reason behind the unexplained holes in your flowers.  Like other insects, bees sleep too and flowers are their bed. And they sleep like a baby, taking on a perfect sleeping posture and restraining any movement. As a bee … Read more

Bee Anatomy – Study of Honeybee Body Parts

The honey bee is so small. But the working of its body is so fascinating. There is so much going inside that tiny body. They live in colonies and help each other to ensure survival by making reproduction happen. They are so set in their roles that, through evolution, their bodies have adapted to their … Read more