Do You Know That Sweat Bees Sting And How To Get Rid Of Them Naturally

Sweat bees, scientifically known as the Halictid species, can be one of the most annoying insects. They are found in most parts of the world. These bees typically have a metallic appearance, or an appearance that is darkish in color. While most male bees of this kind have yellowish markings, one may find this species of bees in shades of red and green as well.

These bees are popularly known as sweat bees because of their attraction towards human sweat. Sweat bees usually sting only when they are agitated or disturbed and their sting is a very minor one. You will most likely come into interaction with these bees when you’re outdoors exercising, or if you’re a street athlete, or even if you’re a gardener.

How To Get Rid of Sweat Bees

Why are these bees called sweat bees?

 The Halictid species have been popularly termed sweat bees because of their insane cravings for the salt present in human sweat. Sweat bees require the salt in human sweat in order to be more active and alert. In the same way that protein is essential for the overall development of a professional sportsperson or an athlete, similarly the salts contained in the human sweat are essential for sweat bees.

Where Do Sweat Bees Reside?

 While most sweat bees are usually found living in the ground or soil, there are often cases where sweat bees are also found residing in nests made from soft wood. The nature of sweat bees may fluctuate between solitary and and semi-social. These bees are often found in outdoor spaces or hovering in pool areas because of their crazy attraction to water and human sweat. You can often find these sweat bees hovering around and residing in and near fields, orchard lands, jungles that have humid climates, and meadows.

Which Months See The Maximum Activity Of Sweat Bees?

 Typically the activity of sweat bees peaks from the month of March and lasts all through the summer months. However, in some cases, the activity of the sweat bees may extend all the way upto the month of October.

Do Sweat Bees Sting Or Bite Human Beings?

 Although sweat bees aren’t termed aggressive, the female bees do sting. A sweat bee won’t sting a human until and unless it senses danger. If a sweat bee has landed on your skin with the intention of collecting sweat droplets and for some reason it senses danger, it may end up stinging you. If you don’t harm the sweat bee, it won’t harm you. A sweat bee can also sting a human being if the human tries to destroy the nest of the bee, harm its swarm and so on. Even if you try to hold the bee in your fist, or between your index finger and thumb, the sweat bee will sting you.

Do Sweat Bees Sting Or Bite

What Does The Diet Of A Sweat Bee Comprise Of?

 The typical diet of a sweat bee comprises of nectar, pollen and human sweat. While most people focus solely on honey bees, sweat bees also play a major role in benefiting plants as these bees consume the nectar and pollen of the plants. Besides this, sweat bees have a weakness and manic craving for human sweat. You will most likely find these bees hovering around you during the summer months to consume the sweat that drips from your body. You need not worry about the sweat bee stinging you when it is consuming your sweat.

Where Do Sweat Bees Nest?

Typically one can find sweat bees nesting in the soil in the ground. In some instances sweat bees are also commonly found nesting under the barks of trees and sometimes even in holes that are abandoned by other insects.

Do Sweat Bees Make Honey?

 There are some sweat bees that produce honey in small amounts, but not all sweat bees produce honey. Also, the amount of honey produced by a sweat bee in comparison to the amount of honey produced by a honey bee is almost negligible.

How Can One Get Rid Of Sweat Bees Naturally?

 If you’re wondering about how you can keep away sweat bees naturally from your house and surroundings, there are multiple methods that work efficiently and effectively. Here’s some information on each of them:

You can use a home made mint rub

One way is by using a home made mint rub. You can either purchase a ready to use organic or natural mint rub from your local pharmacy, or you can make this mint rub at home. In order to make the mine rub at home you will require a few drops of peppermint and half a bottle of clean, filtered water. A couple of drops of the peppermint has to be added to the water and mixed throughly. Once the mix is ready all you need to do is spray it on your exposed skin parts before you step out of your home. You can probably fill up an old spray bottle with this mixture and carry it along with you when out for the entire day. This method is a tried and tested one.

Shower At Least Twice A Day

Another way to keep them at bay is by making sure you remain sweat free and shower at least twice a day. For someone who is constantly outdoors and sweats a lot, it is necessary that you try and keep yourself hygienic and clean. As soon as you find yourself drenched in sweat, try and freshen up with a shower as a precaution to prevent the bees from getting attracted to your sweat.

Wear Clothes That Expose The Least Amount Of Skin

Another effective method is to make sure that you wear clothes that expose minimum amounts of your skin. When working outdoors or going for a run outdoors, try wearing full sleeves tees, long track pants or leggings and if possible try to cover your head with a cap or a hoodie. If the sweat bees are unable to access your sweaty skin, the chances of them hovering around you are a lot less.

Make The Soil In Your Surroundings Thicker

Another effective way to keep sweat bees at bay is to make the soil in your surroundings thicker and impenetrable. You can do so by adding a thick layer of mulch in the soil in your garden. Addition of the mulch in the soil makes it very difficult for sweat bees to nest there. Bees will always try to find a spot to nest where the soil is easy to enter. If the soil in your garden is difficult to enter, they will avoid nesting there.

How To Treat A Sweat Bee Sting

Getting stung by any bee can be extremely painful and annoying. While the sting of a sweat bee isn’t as potent and painful as a swing of a wasp or a honey bee, it can still be pretty discomforting. If you have got stung by a sweat bee, there are certain precautions and treatments that you can use to ease the pain. Taking out the stinger from the bee sting site is necessary. You can scrape the stinger out with a credit card or any other hard and flat surface. Avoid taking out the stinger with your fingers because that may cause the stinger to go deeper into your skin and release excess venom.

After you have safely removed the entire stinger from your skin, dispose it off and clean the sing area with warm water and a disinfectant soap. Once the area has been washed and cleaned make sure it is dried properly. After the effected area has been dried apply a cold compress and leave it on for around 15 minutes. You can use an ice pack, or a bag of frozen pees as a cold compress. Using a cold compress will help reduce the swelling of the sting and will also help in reducing the pain and discomfort.

People who fear allergies can take an over the counter antihistamine. This tablet will help prevent any allergic reaction to the bee sting. However, people who are severely allergic to bees should rush to the emergency remove and let professional doctors handle the matter. This is because if you’re severely allergic to bees and bee stings there is a chance that you may end up getting hives and your airway may also start closing up. A closed up airway can lead to choking and in some cases even death. People who have already been previously diagnosed with bee allergies and have been given an epinephrine auto injection can use this injection instantly upon getting stung. Using an over the counter pain killer to reduce the pain of a bee sting is also recommended for those individuals who have low pain tolerance.

Homeopathic Alternatives

There are several homeopathic options that can be used for the treatment of a sweat bee sting. Apis Mel and ledum are super effective homeopathic options for reducing the pain of a bee sting.

These treatments for bee stings can be used for children as well. Children who play outdoors in the summer are extremely susceptible to being stung by sweat bees. This is because the children will be all sweaty and the scent of their sweat will attract the attention of the sweat bees. If such an instance occurs, you can use the home made remedies to resolve the issue. However, if this is your child’s first bees sting and you’re unsure of whether he or she is allergic to bees, it is recommended that you rush your kid to the hospital for treatment.

When tackling your bee problems, do keep in mind how vital these insects are for the earth’s ecosystem. Numerous plants, agricultural crops and vegetables would probably not be thriving as they are if it weren’t for the pollinating assistance that the bees provide. Bee populations from across the world are dropping in numbers and keeping these insects protected is essential. So when you’re stuck with a bee infestation, try to use methods that are least harmful for the bees when getting rid of them.

Read here – Differentiate among Bees, Hornets, Yellow Jackets And Wasps

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